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Bible Study Could this be the root of your anxiety and depression?

By November 22, 2017May 9th, 2021Uncategorized

I recently did a live broadcast in which I discussed what could be the root cause of a lot of anxiety and depression.

If we take a look at the actions of Elijah in 1 Kings 19 we can learn a lot. Elijah had just done some amazing things. Made fools of people worshipping the wrong god, slayed them and then prayed on his knees until a miracle happened. And then he gets a threat and acts irrationally. He runs into the wilderness and prays to God to die! WHAT? Dramatic much? How does that make any sense? In the video I discuss what caused him to sink into this kind of deep depression and it could be exactly what you are dealing with too.

Click HERE if you would prefer to watch the video on YouTube.

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