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One way to deal with overwhelm

By October 23, 2017Uncategorized

Many of us deal with feeling overwhelmed and why wouldn’t we? We fulfill so many different roles. Parent, spouse, friend, co-worker, home keeper and on and on. We have a 20 plates spinning all at the same time and we rush to each on to keep it from crashing only to have them all crash at once! Can you feel me on THAT? I see you shaking your head up and down thinking mmmmm hhhmmmmm…

A concept that I learned about that really helped me to understand WHY I feel so overwhelmed and then how to feel less like that is something called open loops. In his book (which I highly recommend) Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress- Free Productivity David Allen tells us that open loops are all those tasks we have to do that are constantly running through our brains. You know, the stuff that usually comes to mind as you try to turn your brain off for the day? He explains that trying to remember all these tasks is like having all the apps open on your phone, it drains your battery (aka, brain and energy). By writing all these tasks down and organizing them you allow your brain to release the stress and worry of keeping up with all of them.

In the video I explain how to then take those tasks and organize them in a way that ensures that they actually get done. 

You’re not alone! Many of us struggle with anxiety because we just have so much on our plates that we feel like we can’t take a breath. There are things like this that can help you to be productive and organized so that you don’t deal with that overwhelmed feeling all the time because you know what needs to get done and you’ve got it all organized. 

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