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How To Hear From God

By October 19, 2015June 22nd, 2016Uncategorized

How To Hear From God- MelodyeReynolds.com


Sometimes you feel like it’s been a long time since God spoke to you or perhaps you feel like you have never heard from God. Today I thought I would share some tips for making God’s voice more audible to you. These are things that I do and that have worked for me. It’s all about relationship. The more time you spend with Him, the more clear His voice will be.

1. Get in the word…daily!

I know this is said often, but the truth is usually repeated. The best way to hear from God is to get into the word EVERY single day. The bible is how God speaks to us. It is how we get to know who He is and what He says about things. When you take the time to get to know God better, you can hear Him better. Just like any relationship, the more time you spend getting acquainted with a person, the better the conversation flows. The same thing applies when it comes to speaking to and hearing from God.

When you read God’s word, it isn’t like reading a regular book. It is a living word, meaning it has power. It has the power to heal. It has the power to speak into your life and it has the power to help you hear God more clearly when He speaks to you because you are more familiar with Him.

2. Pray

Prayer is simply a conversation with the Lord. (I  wrote an entire post about how to pray here!) When you spend time talking to Him, you begin to hear His voice more. The more you hear Him speaking to you, the better able you are to recognize when it is Him doing the speaking.

Also, don’t forget to pray about being able to hear God better. As part of your prayers, ask God to be able to hear His voice above all others. ASK to hear him clearly when He speaks! ALWAYS ASK! Seek Him with you heart and you will find Him. He longs for a relationship and time with you.

3. Be Still…

God speaks in a still small voice, so that means being still so you can listen. We have so many distractions today. Cell phones that are mini super computers that constantly beckon for our attention. ( Now don’t get me wrong! I love technology, but I also believe in setting boundaries!) Text messaging and social media 24 hours a day can make it difficult to sit still and focus, not to mention work, chores, spouses, children and well… LIFE! Which is exactly why you must make a conscious effort to create some quiet moments in your life. Many times the Lord is speaking too us but we are so busy and overwhelmed with life that we can’t hear what He is saying. It doesn’t matter if it’s just 10 minutes a day, find some quiet and sit in it. Be still, breathe deep and listen…


Developing a relationship with God is the best way to begin to hear His voice. Get into the word each day, spend time in prayer and then take some time to be quite and listen. He is there! Just open your heart to hearing Him.





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