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How to protect your energy!

By October 16, 2017Uncategorized

In my last post I talked about being an empath (with the gift of discernment) and how I know that I am one. If you missed it go  here and watch it first because it will help you to better understand this post.

If you are an empath (a seer/feeler in the kingdom), it is utterly important to learn how to protect your own energy so that you don’t feel drained all the time and so that your emotions are constantly being thrown off by other people. We can’t avoid negative people but there are things we can do to not be so affected by them.

 It took me a long time to learn things to help me to protect my own energy and today I am sharing my top tips with you. These are simple things you can do before you go around other people and after you come back home that will help you to not feel like the negativity is sticking to you. It’s not woo woo I promise.

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