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Oops! Did you mean to not finish your order to get access to Melodye Reynolds’ group coaching program with the Thyroid Recovery Roadmap proven protocol for reversing your symptoms so that you can start reversing your hypo and/or Hashi  symptoms?

You can go back and finish your order and get yourself on the road to getting your life, mind and body back from this disease now.

You don’t have to struggle any more. You can get answers and save yourself more time by learning from some who has overcome hypothyroidism and Hashimotos herself.  

Because I know what its like to ask:

Why don’t my clothes fit the way they used to?

Why don’t I recognize myself in the mirror?

Why don’t I enjoy life the way I did before?

Why do I lose my temper all the time?

Why am I so dang tired?

Why do I feel so completely off?

Am I just lazy?

Is it all really just in my head? 

Maybe I am just depressed?

What HAPPENED to me?

Is it going to be this way the rest of my life?

You feel flat, frustrated, embarrassed, confused, and out of hope.

And you’ve been keeping all this to yourself of course, because shame is slung around your shoulders like a suffocating lead cloak…  But not anymore.

You don’t have to be strong for me, friend.

I’ve been where you are.    

I won’t let you put on that brave face and act like you’re ok anymore.

I get it.  I know the smile and say I’m fine act all too well, but you can let your guard down with me. We can keep it real!

You HAVE to accept that something is NOT right in order to fix it.

You HAVE to learn to trust your intuition and fight for your health.

You HAVE to stop accepting anything less than complete healing, because it DOES exist!  

Only THEN will you be able to fix it.

I’m here to help you with the tools and knowledge you need.. and I’m here to tell you that you absolutely CAN feel like you again.

Now go complete that order and let’s get started!

Your Thyroid Health Coach,
