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What are the symptoms of hypothyroidism?

By May 30, 2018September 19th, 2019Thyroid



What is the thyroid and what does it do?

The thyroid gland is an 2 inch endocrine gland (so it’s part of the endocrine system) located in the front of our necks. It stores and produces hormones that affect the function of virtually every organ in our bodies. Thyroid hormone (Triiodothyronine or T3) regulates our metabolic rate and is associated with modest changes in body weight and energy levels. So this little gland is a really big deal!

Common thyroid problems include:

Hypothyroidism: This occurs when your thyroid doesn’t make enough hormones. That slows your metabolism. It can make you gain weight and feel sluggish or depressed. Sometimes that’s caused by a condition called Hashimoto’s disease. This happens when your body’s disease-fighting immune system attacks the thyroid.

Hyperthyroidism. If you’re feeling irritable, losing weight, your heartraces, and you’re feeling weak, your thyroid might be producing too much hormone. This is often the result of another immune system problem, known as Graves’ disease, but can be caused by other conditions as well.

I will be focusing on hypothyroidism which is what I was diagnosed with and what I know most about.

 A little of my story that you might relate to!



My adrenal symptoms

interrupted sleep (waking 2 hours after falling asleep and being wide awake for hours)

increased anxiety (started having panic attacks)

hot flashes

night sweats (breaking up completely drenched, clothing completely wet)

rapid heart rate

crashed after exercise (couldn’t do anything else for the rest of the day)


My hypothyroid symptoms

exremely dry red skin (my face) actually started 8 years BEFORE I was diagnosed

fatigue (never feeling restored no matter how much sleep you get)

weight gain with no changes to diet and exercise

dry eyes 

dry mouth

was tested for sleep apnea and found out I wasn’t getting enough oxygen at night, not do to apnea but due to thyroid

low blood pressure

low temperature

intolerance to cold (it could be 75 outside and I was in a sweater)

cold hands and feet

I skipped a period and had horrible pain instead

hair loss (also outer 1/3 of eyebrows fell out)

brain fog (memory loss)

difficulty concentrating



joint pain

hand shaking

fatty liver


Stay tuned for more videos and blog posts about hypothyroidism! I am going to take you on this journey with me and share what works to help me find healing. You don’t have to go through this alone!

Get on my Thyroid Overcomers email list if you’re not already to get all the newest updates for when I add new content! Go do that by clicking HERE!

So tell me in the comments below, do you have these symptoms? If so, share which ones? I wanna know.





  • Brenda says:

    Greetings Melodye! I have joint pain, severe back pain, anxiety, depression and weight gain. Bleh. Thank you for sharing your Thyroid blog with all of us!

    • Melodye Reynolds says:

      I hear you! I am so sorry you have those issues. Has your thyroid been checked before? Even then it could have been missed.

  • Amie says:

    Hypo & Adrenal symptoms I’m pretty sure I have every single one:( I shouldn’t be feeling this way at my age, it sucks!!! Been to so many Dr.’s no idea what to do just given up!! Love reading all your info thank you

    • Melodye Reynolds says:

      If you need more help join my group coaching program or schedule a one on one session with me! Let’s get you feeling better.

  • Angie treadway says:

    I have some of these symptoms. I’ve been on synthroid/levothyroid for years 20+. Now I’m 51 and can’t lose weight . Tired all the time . I recently switched to decaf coffee . Is that good or bad . I’m not anymore tired without the caffeine . I’ve cut sugar almost out . Trying to reprogram my brain to eat healthy carbs . And tons of salad or cooked veggies . I don’t eat meat a lot. Not vegan just no taste for meat . Thank you for all the helpful information. I joined the email , follow you on TikTok and Instagram

  • Jeanie Payne says:

    I left a comment on a Tik Tok with some of my symptoms…weight gain/hard to lose, low temp, joint pain that got better by cutting gluten, anxiety, fatigue. I didn’t mention psoriasis, or maybe it was extremely dry skin that cracked and bled, that also went away by cutting out gluten. I’ve also had gallstones at times. I have a new thing going on. I have a tingling sensation in my legs at times and then my toes on my right foot will feel cold or wet, even though it is warm if I touch it. Is that another thyroid thing that you’ve heard of?

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