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10 Reasons You Have Symptoms While On Thyroid Meds

By November 19, 2021Thyroid


Are you on thyroid medications but you are still suffering with symptoms?


It is very common for thyroid patients to be on thyroid medications and to be told their levels are normal but they have STILL HAVE TONS OF SYMPTOMS! I have worked with hundreds of clients this year to help them reverse their thyroid symptoms and a large percentage of them are already taking thyroid meds but are frustrated that they told their levels are fine but all the while they are suffering with fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, brain fog, etc…leaving them feeling fat, frustrated and fatigued.

Is that you too?

Today, lets take a look at exactly why that can happen. When you know the reasons that you can be on thyroid medications but still have symptoms, you can then work on those fixing those things to get symptom relief so you can get back to feeling fabulously like YOU again.

Check out today’s Youtube video where I give you those 10 reasons that could make all the difference for you. Click HERE!

Your Thyroid Health Coach,



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