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Castor Oil Packs For Your Thyroid Symptoms

By March 11, 2022Thyroid


When reversing your hypothyroidism and/or Hashimotos symptoms it is crucial that you focus on getting your liver functioning properly. Your thyroid hormones convert in the liver and having a sluggish thyroid means that all of your organs, liver included, are functioning slower which causes a number of issues and symptoms like estrogen dominance and insulin resistance.

For one, the liver is where your thyroid hormones convert. Your thyroid makes a hormone called T4 which is like crude oil. You can’t put crude oil in a car and make it run so that has to get converted to gasoline right? Then you can put it in a car and go somewhere. Your T4 needs to be converted to T3 (that’s your gasoline hormone that makes you have energy and feel good). When your liver is not functioning properly that conversion happens less and less and then you get lots of symptoms so supporting the liver is key to feeling better with thyroid disease since it can increase that conversion.

Castor oil packs are a great way to gently support the liver and to help it detox which means, you can have less symptoms. 

Some things castor oil helps with:

Inflammation (our enemy number one)



Immune system support

Lymphatic Movement


Gallbladder health

Skin issues 

Joint Pain


Menstral Cramps

Hair Growth

I find it improves my sleep

What is castor oil?

Castor oil is a thick, odorless oil made from the seeds of the castor plant. Its use dates back to ancient Egypt, where it was first used as lamp fuel and later for medicinal and beauty treatments โ€” Cleopatra reportedly believed the oil would brighten the whites of her eyes.

How can it help thyroid symptoms?

By doing a castor oil pack on your liver you help the detoxification process which can help your liver to function better. That will help with thyroid hormone conversion which helps with symptoms. It also combats inflammation which is a root cause of thyroid issues.

What you’ll need:

Start with a high quality hexane free castor oil in a glass bottle like THIS ONE HERE.

Get an organic flannel cloth. I use THIS ONE HERE. You never want to use a cloth with dyes or toxins or those go right in your body.

You’ll also need a hot water bottle like THIS ONE HERE.

You’ll need old towels and I like to use a waterproof sheet like THIS ONE HERE.

A glass baking dish like THIS ONE HERE.

A ball jar like THIS ONE HERE.

How to do a castor oil pack:

Take the organic flannel cloth and completely saturate it in castor oil in a glass baking dish.

Put the saturated cloth in the oven for 20-30 min at 175. You don’t want the cloth scalding hot but warm to the touch. Keep an eye on it and test with your finger.

Lay on the waterproof sheet then lay the saturated organic flannel cloth over your abdomen where your liver is. 

Cover the cloth with saran wrap and around your body to keep everything in place.

Then place the hot water bottle over the plastic wrap and add a layer of towels over that just to be sure it doesn’t get on anything. You don’t want to ruin any furniture or clothing.

Relax and let it do its thing. I usually read, scroll Tik Tok or watch a movie while it soaks in.

Start with 10 minutes to be sure you can tolerate it well then work up to at least an hour.

When you’re done, put the cloth in a ball jar in the refrigerator until you’re ready to use it next time and go take a shower.

Then just repeat the process. You won’t need to add a ton of castor oil to the cloth after you initially saturate it the first time. Just add a bit to keep it good and drenched when you reuse it.

After about 30 uses toss the cloth and order a new one.

Things to note:

Castor oil will stain anything it touches so be careful.

Do 4 days in a row then take a break. 

Don’t do a castor oil pack if pregnant or when on your cycle. 

You can also use this all in one castor oil pack that you can wear under your clothes too if it is easier. CLICK HERE. This one can be used, worn under your clothes and then washed to use next time. No heating up or storing in the fridge.

Make sure you are drinking plenty of filtered water and that you’re pooping every day you do a castor oil pack. If you struggle with constipation, a castor oil pack will help but if that isn’t enough get digestive enzymes to take with your meals and take this Magnesium before bed (it will help you sleep and will get your bowels moving). You want to eliminate the toxins the castor oil will move out of the liver and we do that through pooping and sweating!

This is just one way that you can support your liver but note that diet, supplements and lifestyle changes are important to do too.

Work With Me To Reverse Your Hypothyroid and/or Hashimotos symptoms. Click HERE to find out how!

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