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How To Get Out of a Funk

By December 1, 2016December 5th, 2016Uncategorized

melodye reynolds


We have all been there. STUCK. Outta gas. In a F-U-N-K!

You know what I mean. We want to be productive but we feel discouraged, down, frustrated and demotivated. (This is especially true for me after the winter time change. Cold weather and no sun change my entire mood.)

But over the years I have discovered that there are some simple things we can do to help get ourselves unstuck!

1. Change It Up

Never be afraid to change it up. Sometimes just a change in the space around us can spark creativity like crazy. Change your space around. Move your funiture, hang new art, paint the room a different color (pick on that makes you really happy). Head out to a local park or coffee shop. A change in scenery can change your entire attitude.


2. Take Action

When you feel completely stuck force yourself to take action. By taking action you start to get the momentum going again. You can’t wait for inspiration and motivation to hit, you have to get up and start doing and THEN as you start to accomplish things, you will start to feel motivated and inspired. When you start to check things off of your to do list, you’ll get motivated to do even more.


3. Get Moving

I know, I know, exercise seems to be the answer for everything but there is a reason for that….BECAUSE IT IS! Exercise is good for the mind and the body. It increases the flow of oxygen and produces endorphins (happy hormones). Believe me, I know the last thing you wanna do when you are in a funk is to work out, but it really is a great way to clear the brain fog. Turn on some music and have some fun with it (I highly recommend sporadic dance parties) or simply go for a walk. 


4. Journaling

Write. It. Out. Writing out your feelings is a great way to process and move past them. Write about how your feeling and why you feel the way you do. It’s a great way to sort through your emotions and see where you are getting hung up.


5. Go Have Some Fun

Go take the time to play. Ever see a child playing and they get more creative as they go? That can happen for us too. Whatever it is you enjoy doing for the sheer fun of it, make the time to do that. Allowing yourself to do something you enjoy can stir up joy. Let go of the to do list for a while and don’t feel guilty about it. Many times we get INTO a funk because we have neglected to play.


6. Realize That A Bad Day Is Normal

Give yourself some grace. We all have bad days. Sometimes a bad week even. We all have days where ice cream and Netflix are about all we can manage. And that’s ok. It’s normal. Just don’t let it turn into a bad month. Reach out for help if you need it. Walk through it and know that each new day is a fresh start. Love on yourself and rest assured that eventually the funk will pass.



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