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What to do if you have thyroid issues and you’ve lost your gallbladder!

By April 23, 2021June 24th, 2021Thyroid




Do you have hypothyroidism and you’ve lost your gallbladder?

Do you have symptoms ranging from hormone imbalances to fatigue to weight gain?

Many of us with hypothyroidism have! In fact your sluggish thyroid could be WHY YOU LOST IT!

When your thyroid is hypo, it slows down every single organ in your body including your liver and gallbladder.

When that happens, your liver can’t make fresh bile like it needs to and that in turn, affects your gallbladder as well. 

When bile isn’t properly flowing through the liver and gallbladder you get sludge that then turns into gallstones and then you get gallbladder disease so you have to have it removed.

Now, you were probably told that not having a gallbladder is no big deal, right? Your body doesn’t need it to survive BUT…so many people find out that that just isn’t the case. The gallbladder, like all of your other organs, has a purpose so removing it can create more issues though it may be necessary for you to do (like me).

CAN you survive without it, yes, but you had one for a reason in the first place.

Losing your gallbladder DOES have repercussions for many like:

Hormonal imbalances because the gallbladder does play an important role with hormones. Estrogen dominance is common after removal and that causes a slew of symptoms in and of itself.

(Bile is an important component to the elimination of estrogen and its metabolites through the liver, so sluggish function (or even worse, no gallbladder at all) often leads to sluggish hormone elimination and resultant hormone symptoms like weight gain, night sweats, fatigue, etc…)

Fat soluble vitamin deficiencies like low vitamin D, E, K and A which also cause tons of symptoms.

Issues digesting fats.

Digestive issues.

Constant diarrhea after meals. 

Once you have lost your gallbladder, its extremely important to support your liver which is now working alone. I will have more blog posts on supporting the liver but today I wanna give you 2 easy tips to do right now to start helping you with the above symptoms.

When you had your gallbladder, it took bile from the liver and stored it up to be released when you ate fats. You no longer have that concentrated bile, so replacing it can help a great deal.

Try taking a bile replacement supplement like THIS ONE HERE. Take 1 15 minutes after your meals since that is when your gallbladder would have released bile for you.

Digestive enzymes can also be extremely helpful when you don’t have a gallbladder. They aid in the digestion of your food which means they can increase your energy and help you to better absorb your nutrients from your food. They also help with breaking down fats and carbs and since you don’t have a gallbladder, they can be a great help. Try THESE ENZYMES HERE. Take 1-2  15 minutes before each meal. 

Myself and many of my clients have found that simply taking these 2 supplements can help with fatigue, weight loss and many of the other symptoms listed above.

Diet changes after gallbladder removal are important too. Eating junk can still affect your liver which affects your thyroid function too. Removing processed foods and eating a diet based on real whole foods is best. Don’t forget to drink plenty of filtered water to aid your liver in producing bile as well.

Until Next Time,



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