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3 Supplements To Fight Inflammation

By September 2, 2022Thyroid


Inflammation is a thyroid patient’s worst enemy so you need to do all you can to fight it if you want to feel better and reverse your hypothyroidism and Hashimotos symptoms.

I will always and forever tell you that starts with your diet because what you eat is the foundation of your health. An anti inflammatory nutrient dense diet is best but supplements can be a big help too when it comes to lowering inflammation.

Today I am going to share 4 supplements that can help you to decrease inflammation. Supplements are important to healing so let’s dive in…

Fish oil

Fish oil is full of Omega 3s and they help with inflammation. Most people eat more Omega 6s (10 times more than Omega 3s in fact) which increase inflammation when they are elevated so intentionally supplementing with Omega 3s can help to combat that and balance the two. Eating fish like salmon can help you get in your omega 3s too but my very favorite food source for Omega 3 is avocado! I like to supplement and get it in my diet as well to make sure I am getting enough. 

This fish oil HERE is what I recommend. I like that it is a liquid so you get better absorption. Follow the directions on the bottle. You have to make sure you’re taking a high quality fish oil because some can contain heavy metals which cause lots of health issues. This one also includes a little Vitamin D which you will read about next. You can take this supplement without testing your Vitamin D but if you take more than what is in this, you will want to test your levels, read on to learn more about that.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps inflammation too. It is extremely important before you ever supplement with Vitamin D that you test your levels to know if you are deficient in it before you supplement it because too much of it can be a bad thing. 

Most of us are deficient however so taking a high quality, highly absorbable one like this one HERE can get your levels optimal so you have less symptoms. (You want vitamin D levels between 80-100 to be optimal and feel your best. Do not go by the ranges you are given.)

You always want to add Vitamin K to your Vitamin D as well. K helps the D to get where it needs to go. I like this one HERE. I prefer liquid vitamins for these two to really increase absorption (after all, you’re dealing with leaky gut as a thyroid patient so you need all the help you can get!) My group coaching and one on one clients get optimal quickly with these 2.

You can also eat sardines, beef liver, fatty fish and seafood to get Vitamin D. Spending time outdoors everyday in the sun will increase D levels too but that isn’t always easy to do which is why supplementing is so important. 

Low Vitamin D is a big stressor for your thyroid, so don’t ignore it.


Turmeric is a spice that is great for inflammation! It has been used as a medicinal herb for thousands of years. It has something called curcumin in it that is a strong antioxidant that has powerful anti inflammatory effects. It can also improve memory (which you struggle with when you have thyroid disease) and it can lower your risk of heart disease. And, it can help with joint pain as another plus.

You want to be sure when you cook with it or supplement it that you use black pepper which is important for the absorption of curcumin. I don’t eat black pepper any other time but I do allow it in here and have no issues with it.

I like this turmeric supplement HERE since it has both. Follow the directions on the bottle.

It is very easy to add to any dish you cook too! Just sprinkle it in.

Until next time…

Helping you go from feeling fat, frustrated and fatigued to feeling fabulous again,



  • Kimberly Ryan says:


    I take pills (Verapamil), for my heart condition, Wolfe Parkinson White (WPW). This prevents me from taking Vitamin D supplements, as it would reduce the Verapamil from working 100%. What would you recommend for me to take being that I canโ€™t take Vitamin D?? Thank you sincerely.

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