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Birth Control And Your Thyroid Symptoms

By July 30, 2021Thyroid


Many people are prescribed birth control and are told it will fix so many issues besides just unwanted pregnancies, but the truth is…birth control can lead to hypothyroidism and cause a ton of hypo symptoms.

Any time you disrupt what your body should do naturally, you are throwing your body off. I took oral birth control for 20 years and I believe it contributed to thyroid disease for me and many of my clients have said the same because they developed thyroid issues AFTER starting birth control.

I know doctors make birth control seem like a harmless option to balance hormones for PCOS or menopause, but you can correct these issues with diet and lifestyle changes.

Let me give you an example from my own life. After having my gallbladder removed in 2019, I then started bleeding every day in March and was in a ton of pain. I went to my gyno to be sure I didn’t have a cyst as one ovary hurt so bad I couldn’t sleep and he insisted that I had only 3 options: get back on birth control, alblation or hysterectomy. I was told women in their 40s just start doing this and he had no idea why (since they never look at nutrition or lifestyle for ANY THING!!) I told him I would figure it out on my own. I finally did and found out I had estrogen dominance. I was able to get back to normal by making some changes and now my cycle is back to running like clockwork. (Gallbladder removal causes hormone issues as well, I bet they didn’t mention that to you if you had yours removed if you did, did they???) ALWAYS LOOK FOR A ROOT CAUSE THAT IS CREATING THE ISSUE.

I’ve had many clients resolve their PCOS by making changes too. It just takes some work!

Lets look at how birth control does this to your thyroid

  1. Birth control pills deplete selenium, zinc, and the amino acid tyrosine, from our bodies. These are all vitamins and minerals that are absolutely necessary for proper thyroid function! Being deficient in these can cause hypo and more hypo and Hashimotos symptoms.
  2. High doses of estrogen contained in birth control pills will increase the activity of TBG (Thyroxine Binding Globulin), which binds thyroid hormone. More circulating TGB leads to lower levels of free thyroid hormone available for use by the body. That means increased symptoms.
  3. Many oral contraceptives contain lactose as an inactive filler. This may be an issue for many individuals with food intolerances and for women with Hashimoto’s or hypothyroidism  since we have dairy and gluten intolerances. (If you have a thyroid issue you have an issue with BOTH of these!)
  4. Birth control pills lower our DHEA production. DHEA has been described as an anti-aging hormone, and many conditions, including autoimmune conditions, have been associated with low DHEA levels. (Hashimotos is autoimmune!)
  5. Liver Toxicity!! Birth control pills are processed by your liver and go through what is called the first-pass effect, or first-pass metabolism. During this process, the pills are metabolized by the liver and the concentration of the medication is greatly reduced before it reaches the bloodstream. This process can significantly tax the liver and lead to increased inflammation, benign tumors of the liver, and a decreased ability to properly remove toxins and waste. The metabolism of birth control pills by the liver also requires extra amounts of B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium, and zinc. If you’re not getting extra amounts of these nutrients, it can lead to nutritional deficiencies that present as weight gain, fluid retention, depression, and changes in mood.
  6. Birth control causes inflammation which causes us more symptoms as well.

Not only that but there are tons of other issues it can cause like:

  1. The hormones in birth control pills suppress our own body’s production of estrogen and progesterone through a negative feedback loop mechanism. Birth control pills flood our bodies with high doses of artificial estrogen and progesterone, causing our production of natural hormones to turn off, preventing ovulation, and thinning the uterine lining. This can lead to a hormonal imbalance such as estrogen dominance (which is what I mentioned earlier with my issues).
  2. Birth control pills increase the risk of blood clots and strokes. The risk greatly increases after age 35 and for women who smoke.
  3. Birth control pills can decrease sexual desire by suppressing testosterone.The synthetic hormones in birth control pills increase sex-binding hormones such as sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). SHBG is a protein that binds sex hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, and DHT in men, making it easier for them to travel through your bloodstream. SHBG regulates the amount of testosterone produced in a woman’s ovaries. While it binds a good majority, SHBG still allows a small amount to play critical roles of developing reproductive tissue and bone mass. However, as SHBG levels rise as a result of taking the pill, testosterone levels decrease to alarmingly low levels, resulting in fatigue, hair loss, poor concentration, low sex drive, and a decrease in muscle mass.
  4. Birth control pills increase the risk of breast, ovarian, and liver cancers.

Just to name a few, there are many more. I think you get the point. 

So what is a girl to do you may ask?

Here are some birth control options for you:

The Rhythm Method

You can use the rhythm method, where you track your cycles and avoid intercourse on the days you are fertile. You also track your body temps to tell you when you’re ovulation. I use an app for this. You have to be diligent in your tracking. This alone isn’t the most reliable (25% of people fail at it) but many people use it in combination with other more natural methods.


Not always convenient but an additional layer of protection. Pair them with a spermicide for additional protection. Yes, I know these aren’t always fun, BUT… neither is being sick. A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. Condoms have come a long way and many are super comfortable.

What to do if you decide to stay on birth control

If you do decide to continue taking birth control you’ll need to help your body to compensate. Eat an anti inflammatory diet and make sure to test your vitamins and minerals often to catch deficiencies and then supplement with high quality, highly absorbable supplements for those levels that are low. 

Consider taking supplements to help your liver to function better in order to process the excess estrogen from birth control. I like this milk thistle here and this dandelion root tea here. Both are great for supporting your liver. 

 Resources To Help You

I recommend getting this book to truly learn about balancing your cycle and preventing or achieving pregnancy. It’s called “Taking Charge of Your Fertility, 20th Anniversary Edition: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control, Pregnancy Achievement, and Reproductive Health”.

Be sure to get on our weekly newsletter for additional thyroid tips and resources.

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Your Thyroid Health Coach,


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