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Root Causes Of Hypothyroidism

By January 14, 2021August 4th, 2021Thyroid

Hypothyroidism isn’t your thyroid’s fault!

SOMETHING else in your body CAUSED your thyroid to slow down and become hypo. Let’s take a look at the ROOT CAUSES of hypothyroidism today.

  1. Other autoimmune diseases. Once you have one AI disease, you are more prone to develop more. Be sure to check for Hashimotos (which causes damage to the actual thyroid gland itself, resulting in a need for medication for life after a lot of damage is done. 90% of people that are hypothyroid also have Hashi’s but most conventional doctors don’t even test for it), Graves (HYPERthyroidism), and Celiac Disease (an autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to attack the intestines when gluten is consumed. It causes a lot of vitamin and mineral deficiencies which can cause hypothyroidism.). Always rule all of these out. REQUEST THE TEST FROM YOUR DOCTOR!!
  2. Nutritional deficiencies. Low Vitamin D, iron or iodine, for example, can cause hypothyroidism all by itself. It’s important to test certain vitamin and minerals when you run a FULL THYROID PANEL so that you know exactly what you’re deficient in so you can supplement only what you need. TEST DON’T GUESS!
  3. Leaky gut. This is the leading cause of hypothyroidism. Foods like gluten and dairy cause holes in the gut which then allows foods and toxins to get into the body and bloodstream causing inflammation. Chronic inflammation causes thyroid dysfunction. Eating an anti inflammatory diet and learning how to seal up the gut is key to helping your thyroid to function better.
  4. Food sensitivities. Foods that cause inflammation and digestive issues for you need to be removed. By eating an anti inflammatory elimination diet, you will learn exactly what foods cause you issues because they aren’t the same for everyone. Your issues may not be the same as mine. Reactions include things like feeling tired after eating, join pain and a runny nose. Not just stomach issues.
  5. Stress. Not just emotional but physical too. You need to learn how to manage stress with techniques and self care. Stop over exercising and eat a diet that doesn’t cause inflammation.
  6. Toxic overload. Toxins in your household cause your liver to become overloaded and unable to convert your thyroid hormones, thus causing hypothyroid symptoms to develop. By DITCHING toxic chemicals like cleaners, personal care products, makeup, skincare, laundry detergent, dryer sheets, shampoo, conditioner and SWITCHING to non toxic alternatives that work just as well, you will take the burden off of the liver and improve thyroid function. Learn more about ditching and switching HERE.

By knowing the root causes of hypothyroidism, you can then know what you need to work on to help your thyroid to function better. Yes, even if you’re on medication, because many people on meds still have symptoms. A pill alone won’t fix all of your issues. This is a way to empower yourself to take control over this disease and get rid of those nasty symptoms!

To learn more about the diet I recommend, get into my Facebook group that is currently open. This month and next we are covering how to start that diet, make it affordable, and make it easy so you don’t have to cook every single night. Click HERE to learn more about the group and what we will be covering this year in there AND you can also read about getting a one on one coaching session with me if you want more help! 

Your Thyroid Health Coach,


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