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How To Talk To Your Doctor About Your Hypothyroid Symptoms

By August 14, 2020August 4th, 2021Thyroid



Whether you have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism or you just suspect you have it because you have a lot of the symptoms, it can be difficult to get a doctor to really listen to you and do the necessary testing.

There are a lot of reasons for that like the fact that conventional doctors don’t do all of the thyroid tests nor do they go by the correct ranges. You can read more about that HERE.

You will, if you need medication, also need to be sure that your doctor is willing to prescribe the right kind of thyroid medicine for you as well. See this post to learn more about why the most commonly prescribed meds don’t work for most people and what to ask for instead HERE.

I will warn you up front, it is a fight to get your needs met to overcome this disease so be prepared.

It is important that you understand how to advocate for yourself to get what you need from your doctor. So today, let’s go over a few things to help you be better prepared and to feel empowered. The more you understand about your disease, the more confident you will be in getting what you need!


Learn How To

Talk To Your Doctor 

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  1. ASK QUESTIONS. Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor questions. Why is my hair falling out if it isn’t my thryoid? Why am a gaining weight? Why am I so tired. Can we test something else that may be the cause? Can we test my vitamins and minerals? Whabout testing my sex hormones. What else can we do? Be aware of all of your options. YOU are the head of your medical team and you have the ability to make decisions and to ASK QUESTIONS.
  2. RECORD YOUR CONVERSATIONS WITH YOUR DOCTOR. Brain fog is a big symptom of hypothyroidism and you’ll forget what was said. In order to decide what you need to do next, revisiting the conversation can be helpful.
  3. BE HONEST AND VERY CLEAR ABOUT YOUR SYMPTOMS. Don’t downplay your symptoms or allow your doctor to do that either. You know your body better than ANYONE ELSE and you know when something is completely off. Keep a list of symptoms so that when you go to your appointment, youre prepared.
  4. BE PERSISTANT. Keep pushing for answers. Keep talking about your symptoms. Keep asking questions. Ask for what you want. Always get a copy of your blood tests for yourself too. Know exactly what your body is doing. You can see how to read those HERE.
  5. SHARE INFORMATION AND SEE IF THEY ARE OPEN TO LISTENING AND LEARNING WITH YOU. You want to work with a doctor that is willing to truly help you and that means they may have to learn some new things. Talk them up, edify them and tell them you know they have your best interest at heart but ask if they would be willing to take a look at things in a different light.
  6. AND LAST OF ALL, IF THEY WONT HELP, FIRE THEM AND FIND A BETTER ONE! It took me 5 doctors to get diagnosed. They WORK FOR YOU. They provide a service so you have the choice of who you work with. Chances are your insurance will allow you to switch doctors. Find one will to do and be what you need them to be. Don’t be afraid to take your business elsewhere. Don’t give up. 

And last of all I just want to say that your doctor is only ONE part of recovering from hypothyroidism. They are a tool. You have a lot of other tools in your control like your diet and lifestyle and those play a huge part as well. You have a lot more control over your health than you may realize. Doctors dont make you healthy, they can help you with SOME THINGS but your health is UP TO YOU! Feel empowered!! 

Your Thyroid Health Coach,



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