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Easiest Way to Know If Your Thyroid is Low

By September 27, 2019August 4th, 2021Thyroid

Slow thyroid

Thyroid health can be tricky! Its hard to know if you really have a slow thyroid or not when it comes to getting answers from your doctor. Of course getting the blood tests (a FULL THYROID PANEL) I recommend that you can find by clicking HERE will tell you for sure if you have a thyroid issue but if you can’t get your doctor to do them or you can’t yet afford them I got you covered and it’s so simple its STUPID!

Grab a basal thermometer if you have one if not get THIS ONE.

Lay it by your bed.

When you wake up in the morning before you do literally ANYTHING including sit up or put your feet on the floor, take your temperature.

If your temp is low (mine stays in the 96’s unless I’m on my period then its in the 97’s) its a sign of a slow or sluggish thyroid.

Track it for at least a week. I recommend tracking it daily and keeping it in a journal. I keep it in my food sensitivity journal you can find HERE

Tracking your food is super important (we will cover that later) and I do that any way so I stick it there or you could simply use the notes on your phone.

Your normal temperature should be 98.6 so if its low your thyroid is struggling. Be sure to check out other symptoms that could point to your thyroid that I discuss HERE. Your thyroid effects every organ in your body and this is why your temperature will be lower.

Get on my Thyroid Overcomers email list so you can get simple diet and lifestyle tips for getting symptom relief from hypothyroidism by clicking HERE.

See you next Thyroid Thursday!

Your Thyroid Health Coach,



  • Janae says:

    Wow..this is Interesting..I’m gonna start this tomorrow morning and see cuz that’s messed up..my gf had hypo n didn’t want to move for 2 yrs n she’s getting better n I’m trying to focus but stress is def not helping ๐Ÿ˜ญty for the tips mama๐Ÿ’œ

    • Melodye Reynolds says:

      You’re very welcome. Take your temp each day for a month and write it down and see it does. Tracking it helps! Let me know what you discover.Thanks for commenting too.

  • Lisa says:

    My temp runs around 96.2 sometimes 95.7 , I have nodules and the left side of my thyroid is enlarged but according to the doctors who biopsied my nodules and miraculously had the results a day later tell me I am just fine. I donโ€™t feel fine, look fine and I am hoarse and I can feel the nodules in my neck and I look like the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Woman

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